JMU Carrier Library fountain
Winter Break Hours

Because of excessive shipping delays, increased risk of losing items in the mail, staffing shortages, and the timing of workflow in ILL systems during the holiday season, most lending libraries will not fill interlibrary loan requests from mid-December through the first week or two of January, therefore, we will stop most interlibrary borrowing operations during the holiday season. Please note the following schedule and plan your research needs accordingly:

Loan requests from other libraries:
Monday, December 11, 2023 is the last day we will send loan requests out to other institutions.
Article requests from other libraries:
Friday, December 15, 2023 is the last day we will send article requests out to other institutions.
Scan & Deliver from JMU libraries:
Friday, December 15, 2023 at noon, is the last day we will scan JMU Libraries holdings for electronic delivery.


You may continue to submit requests during Winter Break. They will appear in a "Held" status until we resume processing them beginning on January 8, 2024.

Please continue to submit requests and access any electronic delivery articles that you have received. Borrowed loans may still be picked up and returned during hours each of the libraries is open.